Fed II Star newsletter - masthead The weekly newsletter for the Fed II game by ibgames


<< Feb Apr >>


A bug in the new version of FedTerm was discovered: all new characters were being set up as feminine females, even those who wanted to be manly men or neutral neuters. To help them, the hospital on Earth brought its gender realignment unit online, and offered free sex changes for a week to give everyone the chance to try out the pain-free procedure. After that, the cost became 999 groats per op. Talk about nip-tuck!

Following a number of high profile accounting scandals the Galactic Administration issued new regulations on the accounting of capital expenditures and receipts. Results of the sale or purchase of factories and depots were moved from income and expenditure into new new capital expenditure and capital receipts items. This was probably significant to shareholders but seems terribly dull to us.

A whole bunch of companies vanished into limbo because the game wasn't coping properly with an & in a company name. While Bella investigated, the stricken CEOs took advantage of their enforced idleness and a whole bunch of mini parties spontaneously erupted across the Solar System. Well, actually, they ran around and panicked, but that was probably as much fun as partying! When the problem was fixed, the missing companies returned, but unfortunately they were shorn of all their depots and factories. Oh dear! Bella had to work her magic to bring them back again.

The Galactic Administration announced a ban on arts factories, due to the shortage of workthings.

Armstrong Cuthbert reduced the number of hauling credits needed to promote to Adventurer. How very kind!

The taxman had a nervous breakdown. Well, only that could account for the fact that he increased the thresholds below which you don't get taxed!

The alien asteroid Silk was opened for business.

Desertwolf started his new web site for FedTerm's character pictures.

Tracey, the moronic receptionist on Phobos, became the next mobile to start talking. Good luck trying to have an intelligent conversation with her!

Diesel threw a big party for St Patrick's Day, with free beer and a special shamrock charm on sale to attach to keyrings.

We started our campaign to get Fed into the top ten on The Mud Connector's rankings, by asking players to vote for us.

<< Feb Apr >>

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