Fed II Star newsletter - masthead The weekly newsletter for the Fed II game by ibgames


<< Jan Mar >>


The taxman decided to be nice and stopped confiscating all excess groats, instead just taxing them once a day. What a shock! He must have been drinking!

The 'BUY FOOD' command was put in, allowing you to feed yourself without having to provide nosh for everyone else in the bar. This cut down on pizza scroll immensely.

The way factory efficiency works was changed but that's quite boring so we won't go into the details.

The ability to upgrade depots was added.

Diesel came out of her backroom and started to talk. And boy, does she talk - sometimes it's hard to shut her up!

The new version of FedTerm was released with the graphic interface that we now take for granted - with auto-mapping and character pictures. This was radically different from the old version, and was greeted with great enthusiasm by players.

Fed DataSpace saw its first bunch of Manufacturers - the test team were promoted en masse so they could test out the code as Bella coded it.

Developments in holo technology allowed players to hug each other remotely. The software that runs the holo units has been hedged around with restrictions to prevent these remote hugs from turning into something even more intimate!

<< Jan Mar >>

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