Fed II Star newsletter - masthead The weekly newsletter for the Fed II game by ibgames


<< Mar May >>


The test team continued to test the manufacturers code, and we suddenly saw the first shareholder revolts:

> spynet review
The Spynet Review - Being an account of births, deaths, promotions and other interesting happenings during the current session.
Bread & Roses has suffered from a shareholders' rebellion
Diamond Wine has suffered from a shareholders' rebellion
Merrie Maids has suffered from a shareholders' rebellion

Then we got some real player manufacturers, with Catspaws, Darkangel, Desertwolf, Dunavant, Fancy, Ferreri, Fessonia, Fester, Filbert, Fraghappy, Gandolf, Garrick, Harley, Jazir, Jolia, Killer, Logical, Lorzec, Nomad, Pesoge, Pugwash, Stirling and Wally all being promoted on the same day.

The Galactic Administration decided to reduce the number of factories a company could own to ten, so they confiscated all factories which were numbered 11, 12, 13 or 14. Whoops! This took no account of CEOs who had sold lower-numbered factories leaving gaps in the run of numbers... some fast compensation had to be paid out by the bungling bureaucrats who made this mistake.

A change to the way the 'BLOCK' and 'UNBLOCK' commands work meant that those being ignored (or un-ignored) were not told about it - it just happened silently.

The Magellan space station took up orbit around Earth, and the Magellan Society Treasure Hunt was launched. Victor (another talking mobile) was given the job of handing out clues to puzzlers, and soon got himself into a real mess, much to the disgruntlement of the security forces.

The 'CLEAR MOOD' command was added so you can get rid of a mood without having to wait for it to be wiped at reset.

<< Mar May >>

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