Fed II Star newsletter - masthead The weekly newsletter for the Fed II game by ibgames


<< Apr Jun >>


Freya officially became the Fed II Game Manager.

Manufacturers were given the power to freeze their companies so they could go away without worrying about shareholders running riot. Alternatively, if things got too much to bear, they could declare bankruptcy and revert to Industrialisthood.

Those who died too frequently and racked up their insurance premiums found a way to reduce them again, by bribing one of the droids working for the insurance company. Illegal, of course, but then that's the kind of society we live in; full of corruption, greed, bribery and chicanery.

The executive washroom in the Galactic Administration HQ building became accessible to those who had purchased a keyring from Gallaghers. Amongst the facilities on offer are a shower and a hot tub - and it even has a drinks licence!

Diesel threw a huge party to celebrate those Fedders who had just graduated. Yay!

Players started to reserve the planet and system names they would use once they were allowed to have their own worlds.

The asteroid Jade was opened for business.

<< Apr Jun >>

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