The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: February 28, 2010

Official News page 4


by Hazed

Following the cancellation of the winter Olympics being held on Titan, due to the failure of the ski resorts gravity generators (see last week's Star) investigators were brought in to examine the equipment which Titan technicians had described as "completely fried".

Their conclusion: the generators were sabotaged!

This shock revelation will be a huge relief to the Titan Tourist Co, because if the breakdown had been due to any kind of negligence on their part, the company would have been hit by the mother of all lawsuits.

A spokesman for the Olympic Committee said, "Our investigators have examined the failed equipment thoroughly and the evidence leaves no room for doubt: it had been tampered with, deliberately made to fail at the height of the Winter Olympics. We are turning our evidence over to Galactic police so they can establish who was the guilty party." He refused to speculate on who might be behind the sabotage, merely saying that people should consider who might gain from the spectacularly public failure of the Titan games.

Meanwhile, Matrock Sloobean, proprietor of the Oort cloud ski resort, has been arrested on suspicion of bribing members of the Olympic Committee in order to have the games moved to his icy dwarf planet, so it seems that has now been ruled out as an alternate venue.

G. Shoddy continues to issue press releases stating that his company would be happy to take over the running of the games, but nobody seems to be taking him very seriously.

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