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1. Morning Has Broken – Cat Stevens
I love this song. I remember listening to it very often when I lived in a cottage on the top of a mountain in northern New Jersey. The gardens looked out over the vast Wanaque reservoir and I’d watch the morning sun as this song played. I often sang this song for my children.

2. Tweeter and the Monkeyman - The Traveling WIlburys
What an amazing band! Bob Dylan, George Harrison, Jeff Lynne, Roy Orbison, Tom Petty. George was recording a B-Side for one of his Cloud Nine singles. Jeff was producing it. He was also producing Roy's latest album and while the three of them had lunch, Roy volunteered to sing on George's song. The only available recording studio they could find was Bob's. George's guitar was round Tom's house. When they went to pick it up, Tom tagged along. George recorded the song 'Handle With Care', asking the others for various contributions. When the record company heard the track they realised that it was too good to be hidden away as a B-Side. Having enjoyed the recording of this track so much, everyone agreed to record a whole album.

3. Somebody to Love - Jefferson Airplane
My son Andrew asked me to include this song.

4. Turn, Turn, Turn – The Byrds
I remember looking up the words for this song in the Bible. To my parents’ amazement.

5. Sounds of Silence – Simon and Garfunkle
They sang about the secrets within our hearts. They really did speak for us.

6. House of the Rising Sun – The Animals
My brother loved this song. I remember him playing it all the time just before he left for Vietnam.

7. Learning to Fly – Pink Floyd
A dear friend introduced me to this song. It was the story of his life.

8. Sweet Dreams – Annie Lennox – Eurhythmics
What an incredible voice.

9. Summertime Blues - Blue Cheer
It was the summer of my discontent. I remember listening to this song almost endlessly.

10. Route 666 – The Hamsters
Bella almost gave me a heart attack the first time I heard this song. We were in Tyson’s Corner, VA, waiting in the exit lane of the parking lot for the light on Route 7 to turn green. I was driving a red MR2 T-top sports car with a massive 8 speaker sound system. Bella put the Hamster’s CD into the player and cued up Route 666. He waited for the light to turn green and pressed play. With the music blasting, I pulled out onto the busy highway – and suddenly there was the immense sound, tires screeching, brakes squealing, metal smashing into metal, of a high speed car crash. I slammed on the brakes, sure that a car had crashed into us side on. In stunned shock I turned to check that Bella was alive. And he was sitting there laughing hysterically. He had planned the practical joke. He knew there was a huge car crash sound effect just at the start of this song. It may not be the best song; in fact I prefer I Want To Make Love to Ewe and Come to Papa. But it’s definitely an amazing song indelibly imprinted in my memory.

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