Book: Dave Barry in Cyberspace

This is not typically the type of book I'd be interested in, even though I've always been a fan of Dave Barry's weekly newspaper columns. He's really a very funny, dry sense of humor type of guy. The one big thing that interested me about this particular book is that it actually makes mention of Federation in it on page 188, and I managed to get an autographed copy.

I recommend it, it's really funny reading the things he has to say about the progression of technology and the funny and very true struggles people had with the different systems and such.

Dave Barry in Cyberspace

CD: The Dirty Boogie
Brian Setzer

The Brian Setzer Orchestra is a Rhythm and Blues type of band. It's the 90's version of the music you would typically hear in the late 1940's. It really gets your blood flowing and makes you want move your body and sing to it no matter who you think can hear you. I think I fell in love with the remake that they did of "Jump Jive and Wail." My other favorite is "This Cat's on a Hot Tin Roof".

I'd recommend buying this album for just about anyone on your Christmas list. Probably more of the middle-aged crowd will like this music, but no doubt there are some teens out there that might like it too.

The Dirty Boogie

Book: The Testament
John Grisham

This is one of John Grisham's latest books. In case you don't know what type of book John Grisham writes, I'll fill you in. All of his books are thematically legal situations, and in each book a lawyer struggles with some sort of issue. Most people think these books are rather cheesy, but I really like them, and admittedly, I have read every single book he's ever written, and I wait drooling at the bookstore for the next new one to arrive.

This book in particular was my favorite one so far by Grisham. You really never know what's going to happen until it does, and you can't really guess at the ending. I like that about a book.

The Testament

Book: Watership Down
Richard Adams

Watership Down was one of my favorite books as a teenager. My mother was reading it and it intrigued me because she was so enthralled with it and had a hard time putting it down until she was finished. As soon as she finished, I picked it up and fell in love with those rabbits struggling to find a new home before they were destroyed by the land developers. It's just a wonderful story of hierarchy and working together to survive seemingly un-survivable conditions. The rabbits were a nice touch. Who wouldn't fall in love with the cuddly things? Trying to figure out and remember their language was fun too.

Watership Down

CD: Prince 1999

I feel like someone needed to submit a plug for Prince and his 1999 album. I've been a huge fan of Prince since I dated a guy in high school that was obsessed with him. Prince has a one-of-a-kind voice and he is an extremely talented musician. I think he is quite unappreciated as a musical artist. I wonder if he knew in the 1980's when he put this album out that it will probably be the biggest musical purchase of the millenium.

Prince 1999

Book: John Glenn: A Memoir

This is actually a book that I've not yet read but would love to get for a gift or to run out and purchase myself. I was watching the Jay Leno show and John Glenn was one of his guests for the evening. He was talking about his various life experiences, trips into space, the time he met Charles Lindbergh. I'm not usually one to be terribly interested in history and biographies, but after seeing Mr. Glenn speak on the Tonight Show, I can't wait to read his book and learn about his life. This man has certainly packed a lot of living into 78 years of life!

John Glenn: A Memoir

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