Book: Clan of the Cave Bear
Jean M. Auel

Through Jean Auel's magnificent storytelling, we are taken back to the dawn of mankind and swept up in the wonderful world of a very special heroine, Ayla. A natural disaster has left young Ayla alone, wandering, fending for herself in an unfamiliar land. One day, she is discovered by the Clan of the Cave bear, men and women far different from her own people. Tall, blond, blue-eyed Ayla is a mysterious stranger to the Clan and at first they mistrust her and cast her out. But as she grows to know them and to learn the ways of the Clan, she is welcomed. And as she leads them in their struggle for survival, the Clan come to worship Ayla. This is the first book in a four part series - the other titles are: Valley of the Horses, The Mammoth Hunters, and Plains of Passage.

I really enjoyed this series. The author does a wonderful job of explaining details of early mankind without making it boring. After reading the first book, I didn't stop until all were read!

Clan of the Cave Bear

Book: Chicken Soup For The Soul
Mark Victor Hansen

This collection of inspirational writings follows themes of love, developing a positive attitude, humor, and healthy relationships, and features the works of several famous people.

About six months ago, I had to take my 13 year old cat to the vet to be put to sleep. While waiting our turn to see the vet, I found a copy of Chicken Soup For The Pet Lover's Soul. I opened the book to a story of an elderly man whose pet just died. The story told of his pain at having lost the life of his companion and how he learned to over come his grief and remember how his pet had touched his life. This one story helped me get through what I had come to the vet's office to do. Since then, I have read other books in this series and they are all wonderful!

Chicken Soup For The Soul

Video: Notting Hill

This romantic comedy is about a lost bookstore owner who meets a world-famous movie star, and sparks fly. However, their budding relationship is filled with obstacles that are often very humorous. Stars Hugh Grant and Julia Roberts do a great job of showing how true love can be.

I loved this movie! At times I laughed so hard my sides ached, yet other times its sentiment left me wiping away tears. Don't miss this one!

Notting Hill

It is also available on VHS but it costs over $100, even through Amazon! So best to wait until it's actually released at a normal price.

Video: Steel Magnolias

This movie is about a young diabetic, played by Julia Roberts, whose decision to have a baby may cost her life. Sally Field stars as her mother, torn between love and anger that she would take such a risk. Shirley MacLaine, Dolly Parton, Daryl Hannah, and Olympia Dukakis are four loyal friends who support them with humor and unfailing grace.

This movie is and will continue to be a long-time favorite of mine. It's another one that makes you laugh but also makes you think of how precious life is.

Steel Magnolia

CD: Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie
Alanis Morissette

I really like this CD for its composition. The music, for the most part, is light tempoed and not high strung. The lyrics are a little different, but meaningful just the same. The album titled "Alanis Unplugged" has just been released - I'll be buy that one as well. You can preview samples of the songs at the Amazon Web site.

Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie

Alanis Unplugged

CD: Pink Floyd
Dark Side of the Moon

This recording as always been a favorite of mine. This review says it all!

" essential recording Dark Side of the Moon, originally released in 1973, is one of those albums that is discovered anew by each generation of rock listeners. This complex, often psychedelic music works very well because Pink Floyd doesn't rush anything; the songs are mainly slow to mid-tempo, with attention paid throughout to musical texture and mood. The sound effects on songs like "On the Run," "Time" and especially "Money" (with sampled sounds of clinking coins and cash registers turned into rhythmic accompaniment) are impressive, especially when we remember that 1973 was before the advent of digital recording techniques. This is probably Pink Floyd's best-known work, and it's an excellent place to start if you're new to the band."

Dark Side of the Moon

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