Book: 41 Stories by O. Henry
O. Henry, Burton Raffel (Designer)

No Christmas is complete for me without reading, "The Gift of the Magi". In fact, I send out a copy of the original text (it's out of copyright, of course) to all my friends on my personal email lists and invite them to share this tale of the real meaning of the winter holiday and unconditional love.

In this season of the year that almost cries out for reading out loud, together with your family or someone you love, this is a perfect selection. These are all stories revealing O. Henry's genius for plot twists, surprise endings, wry humour and deep insights into human nature. I don't believe anyone comes away from O. Henry untouched.

41 Stories by O. Henry

Book: Remaking the World : Adventures in Engineering
Henry Petroski

If you, like I, are subject to 'satiable curiousity about everything, you'll find this book fascinating. It's a collection of very readable articles on the great engineering projects of the past 100+ years from the economic, political and cultural perspective. It's not just "the real story behind" but explores how everything in life is inter-related. The world is not just a collection of trivia facts like, 'what is the longest suspended bridge in the world' or 'The Hoover Dam was the largest...' but explains how each changed the community, what its real cost was in human terms, etc. No math or engineering background is needed to enjoy this book.

Remaking the World

Book: Unsuitable for Ladies
Jane Robinson

Real ladies do not travel - or so it was once said. This collection of extracts from thrilling and amusing accounts proves that there are few corners of the world not visited by lady travelers. The book is filled with exciting adventures of women defying convention and tackling the globe for over sixteen centuries! A woman's place isn't just in the home, it's in the Expedition.

Unsuitable for Ladies

CD: Naughty Songs for Boys & Girls
Barry Louis Polisar

If you, like I do, feel ill at the thought of listening to even one more kids song collection, run, do not walk, and get this CD. All my children were wildly in love with Barry Polisar's songs, falling off the sofa onto the floor laughing. These are very wickedly funny songs about children's real lives, like the desire to turn a sister into a frog, terrorizing the babysitter and nagging parents and teachers. Adults who listen to the words will find themselves helplessly snickering along with the kids. This is a winner. My son Andrew (16) can't comment since when I asked him for a quote he started singing a selection of his favorites from the CD.

Naughty Songs for Boys & Girls

My son Andrew recommends the Stainless Steel Rat series of science fiction books by Harry Harrison. These are one of the series referred to on StarBase1 in Fed, and you can read about that and the other references in another part of the
IB Shop.

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