The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: February 20, 2011

Fed Funnies page 1


Stardate: 129769:4788 - Occy: I never understood why people liked to play soft ball. It's a very underhanded thing to do.-

Stardate: 129778:3741 - Occy: Have you ever read the Rime of the Ancient Gardener? It was written by Samuel Taylor Foliage.-

Stardate: 129787:1486 - Occy: He reminded me the speed limit was 60, but I didn't understand, he was speaking a mile a minute.-

Stardate: 129788:9486 - Zand: Occy, when did you change your name to Liandri? An Alt?
Stardate: 129789:9975 - Liandri: No, I'm Zand's alt. You didn't know? You have multiple personalities. P.S. Those pictures of you in drag? That's me.

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