The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: June 27, 2010

Official News page 5


by Hazed

Men: if you want to persuade a woman to give you her phone number, then you need to pay attention to the music being played. French psychologists have found that an "average-looking man" doubles the chance of succeeding when the woman in question has been listening to romantic ballad as opposed to something more neutral. The romantic song softens her up, so to speak.

The team of psychologists from the University of southern Brittany and the University of southern Paris tried out their techniques on 87 female volunteers aged 18 to 20. The experiment was rather cleverly constructed. First, the women spent five minutes in a waiting room where background music was being played - for half of them it was a romantic ditty, while the other half were subjected to something neutral.

Then they were ushered into a different room where they took part in a consumer survey - or so they thought - discussing the difference between two types of cookies with a 20-year old man. At the end, the real point of the experiment came: the man said to the woman, "My name is Antoine, as you know. I think you are very nice and I was wondering if you would give me your phone number. I'll phone you later and we can have a drink together somewhere next week." He used the same line on all the women and was instructed to "gaze and smile at the participant" while she thought about her response.

The result was that 52.2% of those who had been softened up with the ballad gave their number, compared to just 27.9% who had heard the non-romantic song.

So there you have it: if you are having trouble getting a date, picking the right soundtrack could help!

Footnote: the songs used were:

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