The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: May 23, 2010

Event Reports page 1


Tuesday, May 18
by Fancy-Fancy, Gengineer of Toontown

I got three players for tonight's FEDPARDY!, in Sjw, Jaybe, and Shin, along with Occy watching on the channel. As I had a group of players practically entirely new to Fed events, I went over the rules and how to play Fedpardy. With that done, we then took a look at the night's categories: Brass Balls, K-Line, In Uniform, and Symbols and Logos. I had the players spin the wheel to decide first selection, and Jaybe got that honor. He used it to select Symbols and Logos for 1 to start the game.

Jaybe ended up ringing in for, and getting that point. Continuing with the category, as the answers got harder along with being worth more points, the players ended up passing on trying the 2 and 3 pointers, and Jaybe started the In Uniform category. This treated our players more generously, as Jaybe got the 1 and 2 pointers, then found the first Daily Double of the game in the "In Uniform" category. Deciding to risk one point, this was Jaybe's answer:

The two traditional armed service branches referred to on Earth.

Jaybe got it right with the Navy and the Marines to win his wager. Nobody tried the 4 or 5 point answers in the category, so Jaybe finished up the first half by selecting Brass Balls. He picked up another point with the one-point answer, but passed on the 2. At the half-way mark, Jaybe had 6 points, the only score on the scoreboard.

The player trailing everyone else normally gets the first selection of Double Fedpardy, but we had a tie for that, so I decided with a spin of the wheel whether Shin or Sjw would get it, and Sjw got first selection for Double Fedpardy, with all remaining point values doubled. Sjw picked Symbols and Logos for 8, but no one attempted to provide the question for it. With "Your turn Shin" from Sjw, Shin accepted making a selection, and selected Brass Balls for 10. No one attempted that question, either. But Jaybe did ring in on Brass Balls for 8, and got it, taking control of the selection. Jaybe then selected K-Line for 2, which saw Sjw ring in, only to run out of time to respond, and Shin rang in, but couldn't give the correct question, thus each losing two points. Jaybe then got the 4 pointer, all passed on the 6-pointer, and then Jaybe found the other Daily Double. Risking 5 of his 18 points, this was his answer:

A woman by this name greets visitors to the Pearl, and gives them directions to where they want to go.

Jaybe correctly identified her with "Who is Madame Kiko?", and selected the 10-point answer to finish the category, but no one attempted it. Nobody attempted to respond to Brass Balls for 6, but Sjw rang in on Symbols and Logos for 10 and got it to get on the plus side with the last answer on the board. At the end of Double Fedpardy, the scores were:

Jaybe 23
Sjw 8
Shin -2

Jaybe and Sjw advanced to Final Fedpardy, with the chance to bet as many of their points as they wanted, given the category of *Objects and Mobiles *. Once they had placed their wagers, I had explained how Final Fedpardy would work, and they verified they were ready, I presented tonight's Final Fedpardy answer:

This character with whom you can talk and carry on a conversation in Fed II, you could also find in Classic Fed.

Sjw wrote down for his response, "Who is the clerk?" But that was incorrect. Sjw wagered all 8 points, leaving him with none.

Jaybe wrote down, "Who is Diesel?" And that was correct! Jaybe wagered 7 points, boosting his total to 30, and he secured this week's FEDPARDY! championship. Congratulations to Jaybe on winning this week's FEDPARDY!, and thanks to Sjw and Shin, who also played, and Occy, who tuned in to watch. Join us again June 1, beginning at 10.00pm eastern in Studio 1 for our next exciting edition of FEDPARDY! And don't forget the Fed Phrase Game May 25.

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