The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: October 4, 2009

Event Reports page 2


Thursday October 1
by Angelfowl

This week for Federgories, I had four people joining me: Squeeky, Caliban, Royalsims and Bourbon. After explaining the rules to everyone we started off our Fall theme Federgories.

Things to do in the Fall:
Squeeky, "pick pumpkins"
Royalsims, "pick walnuts off the ground"
Bourbon, "rake leafs" (Not my favorite thing to do in the fall!)

Towns/cities with "fall" or "falls" in the name:
Royalsims, " Niagara Falls"
Bourbon, " Niagara falls"
Squeeky, "angelfalls” (Nice, wish I could give points for creativity!)
(You would think there would be some “small” towns with the word Fall in them. Right?)

Fed Sol Restaurant:
Squeeky, "fedruckers"
Royalsims, "Sally's Lunch Box"

Cliches or sayings with fall in them:
Bourbon, "Bigger they are, the harder they fall"
Royalsims, "Don't Fall down the stai,,, too late" (Sounds like something we’d say in my house!)
Squeeky, "Have a nice fall (after tripping somebody)"

Fall Holidays:
Squeeky, "halloween"
Bourbon, "Oktober fest"
Royalsims, "my Birthday (it's always on thanksgiving)" (Nice try, I don’t think Birthdays are holidays!)

Sol Vacation Planet:
Bourbon, "the Sun, fast suntan"
Squeeky, " Paradise"
Royalsims, "Venus"

Foods primarily eaten in the fall:
Royalsims, "Pecan Pie"
Squeeky, "pumkin pie"
Bourbon, "beef stew"

Things to do with a pumpkin:
Royalsims, "put it on your head”
Caliban, "fire it from a trebuchet"
Bourbon, "catapult it into a neighbor's yard"
Squeeky, "make a jackolantern"

Autumn Fed Planet:
Squeeky, "kingdom"
Bourbon, "bourbonballs"
Royalsims, "Brass"

Finally the Bonus round came which was Songs with "Fall, Falls, Falling, fell" in the title:

Bourbon, "If I fall for you, Falling in luv, Redneck falls, Opps, I fell down again,"
Royalsims, "Falling For You, When You Fall you Fall hard, Falling Raindrops, When you get too close you Fall off the edge, Don't fall too close to the drip"

After I did some checking, I found that three from each of them was actually a song! Who thought coming up with Song titles with the Fall word in it would be hard?

Final Scores:

Caliban came in fourth with… 1 point!
Third place was… Squeeky! With 11 points
In second with 12 points was… Bourbon!
And in first with 13 points total was… Royalsims!!

Thank you everyone for playing and join me next time for Federgories!

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