The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: April 12, 2009


In this week's Fed2 Star:

Official News

Welcome to our new home
Will the last person to leave, please turn out the lights
Changes to divvy command didn't go exactly as planned
What planet am I on?
We're nearly ready for new planets
Everything you always wanted to know about food
Real life news: can't get a job? Change your face!
Real life news: see, I told you chocolate was good for me!
Real life news: bacon sandwiches cure hangovers
Real life news: the most wanted woman in Germany
On the web: impossible silver bullets
Pictures of the week: shoot those objects

Inside Scoop

A tester's report
Everything you always wanted to know about Lent, but were afraid to ask

Fed Funnies

Top Ten ways to tell if you have logged onto the wrong server
...Of the Week

Previous issues

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