The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: December 21, 2008

Official News page 4


by Hazed

A new build for Magnates allows you to put airports on your leisure planets, aiding in the movement of your people and increasing the number of workthings available to labor away in the planet's factories.

But wait a minute - we already have flying cars, so why do we need airports? Can't people just go wherever they want? Well, theoretically, yes they can. But planetary authorities tend to take a rather dim view of people just moving about all over the planet willy-nilly without passports or permits or security measures to log their travel, so although flying cars get used for local travel, for travel across countries or continents, the people have to resort to long-distance carriers - commercial air travel.

Besides, flying cars don't have an unlimited range; they need the gas tank topped up and can't be landed absolutely anywhere, so for maintenance and refuelling you really do need the large-scale facilities found at airports. Not everyone can have a fuel depot in their garage!

You can read all about the new build here.

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