The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: July 20, 2008

Official News page 1


by Hazed

The newsdroids are back, and while I hope they are fully rested and raring to go after their long summer break, I do detect a certain reluctance to get back to work to produce the superb Fed2 Star that you have come to expect. I can see I will have my work cut out "encouraging" them to perform!

While we were gone, a change was put into the game that you probably haven't noticed, unless you set up a new alt, because it's something that affects Groundhogs.

The change is that the cost of a ship permit has just gone up. The clerk is no longer willing to speed up the paperwork just for groats; now he wants a slithy tove as well. So Groundhogs now start the game with a slithy which they can use to bribe the clerk. The command is exactly the same and so is the effect, but the transaction involves handing over the slithy.

The purpose of this change is to introduce new players to the idea of slithy toves and the way they can be used to get goods and services in the game - which we hope will make it more likely they will buy some slithies once they decide they like the game and want to keep playing.

Before you get any nefarious ideas about setting up disposable newbods just so you can harvest their slithies, that won't work - Groundhogs cannot give away their slithy. The only thing they can do with it is to get the ship permit. Well, they could walk down the road and get a keyring, but that would leave them unable to buy a ship - which would rather limit their future career!

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