The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: May 18, 2008

Event Reports page 4


Thursday May 15
by Angelfowl

Four people decided to take time out of their busy schedules and join me for this weeks Federgories. Munabilo, Jewells, Andrew, and Fancy all joined in.

This week because I love reading so much, I decided to do Books and Movies as my theme. After a quick run down of the rules we got going.

We started with "A Fantasy movie starting with... L." Jewells said: Labyrinth, Andrew said: Lengthy Lionheart. And Munabilo said: Lion King. I was shocked no one said "Lord of the Rings" which is my favorite movie.

Then was "Fiction book starting with... T." Andrew said: The one, The only he Godfather. Fancy said: Tom Sawyer and Munabilo said: Terrible Time Machine. Once again I had a book in mind that I love... Twilight (about vampires) but no one said it.

Our first Fed-related round was "Fed player starting with... C." Andrew said: Candace, Fancy said: Catspaws, and Jewells said: Cptrob the constipated. We all were just shaking our heads at Jewells, for that one, and thinking "Poor Cptrob."

We moved onward though! Next was "Nonfiction book starting with... H" and "Adventure movie starting with... I." Of course I was expecting them all to say Indiana Jones, and Fancy and Jewells did, but two different movies, "Last Crusade" and "Raiders of the Lost Ark" so I let them have their points.

Then was "Fed Planet starting with.... E" and "A sci fi movie starting with... A" and "Name a type of book, (notebook, sc ifi)." We finally found out what kind of book Jewells DID read because she said: Raging romance. Andrew said: Paperback. Fancy said: Black Book and Munabilo said: Wacky Wager Book.

The last Fed round was: "Fed System starting with...L." And finally we got to the bonus round which was "Authors of Fantasy, and Science Fiction books." After the minute was up, I got this:

Munabilo, "Isaac Asimov, JRR Tolkien, Lloyd Alexander, Piers Anthony, Terry Brooks, Arthur C. Clarke, CS Lewis."
Andrew, "Isaac Asimov.... Stephen King.....Angelfowl" (I never said they had to be published authors)
Jewells, "Michael Moore (apparently she meant Christopher Moore, but that's not what she said), George Lucas, Stephen King, Gregory Mcguire, Richard Bach,"
Fancy, "Douglas Adams, Michael Crichton, Ray Bradbury, Kurt Vonnegut, George Lucas, J.K. Rowling, JRR Tolkien,"

Well, after several minutes of verifying that these were authors - and lamenting that I couldn't give Andrew ten points for saying me - the round points were: Andrew one point, Fancy four points, Munabilo got five points, and Jewells got two points. This made the final scores as follows:

Andrew and Munabilo in third with: 14 points
Fancy in second with 15 points
And Jewells as our big winner with... 17 points!!!

Thank you everyone for joining me tonight, and I hope you join me next week for Federgories!!!

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