The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: March 23, 2008

Fed Funnies page 1


by Hazed

After an Adventurer bemoaned dying many times while exploring the Solar System, and we pointed out there are actually very few ways to lose your life, we started to debate which new deaths we'd like to see added to Sol. Here are the players' suggestions.

1. Customs should randomly throw you into the sun when they pull you over to search for contraband.
2. Spend too long on the ice mountains of Titan, and die of hypothermia.
3. Diesel should get a really, really big bat that kills instead of just maiming.
4. Death by fire when the paper lanterns in the Sizzling Wok on Mercury really go up in flames.
5. Transporter accidents on The Lattice, as you get partially transformed into a fly.
6. A new form of gambling in the Casino on the Moon - Russian Roulette! Risk your life for groats.
7. Loiter on the landing pad and have a shuttle fall on you.
8. Try to steal the merchandise from Gorim's Weapons... and have it demonstrated on you.
9. Be strangled by the alien seafood in Godot's Snacks as it fights back.
10. Ship fighting - bring back Pegasus!

Thanks to Djentsch (who came up with many of the suggestions - blood-thirsty, much?), Bourbon, Mur, Oddball and Sojef for their suggestions.

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