The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: October 14, 2007

Event Reports page 1


Tuesday, October 9
by Fancy-Fancy, Mogul of Toontown

Three players and one observer joined me in Studio 1 for tonight's edition of Fedpardy. Lagkiller, Cronos, and Chriseli came to play, and Butters came in about a fourth of the way through, and watched. As Cronos and Chriseli were first-time players, I went over the rules of the game for them, they spun the wheel in the studio to determine who would get first selection (Lagkiller won that), and I revealed tonight's categories. They were: Planets of the Solar System, In the Event, Colorful Colonies, and Music in Fed. Lagkiller selected Music in Fed for 1, and we were underway.

Chriseli rang in on the first answer and gave the correct question to it to grab the game's first point. Lagkiller did the same on the 2 point answer that Chriseli selected. Nobody attempted the three-point answer, but Lagkiller tried the 4, only to miss it. All passed on trying the 5-point answer, and Chriseli next selected Colorful Colonies for 1. She rang in on it, too, but gave the wrong color for the answer, losing a point. Lagkiller picked up the 2, Chriseli the 3, and Lagkiller the 4, just in time to find the first Daily Double under the 5. He decided to make it a true Daily Double, betting all 4 of his points, and this was the answer:

In Venus' Armstrong Cuthbert office, you'll find an enormous plant, with vine-like suckers spreading out from a central stalk, and large glossy leaves in this color.

Lagkiller gave the correct response of "What is purple?" to give himself an 8-3 lead over Chriseli at the break. The initial selection for Double Fedpardy went to Cronos, who had yet to even ring in, and trailed at the break. With all remaining point values doubled, Cronos selected Planets of the Solar System for 2 to start Double Fedpardy.

Chriseli scored the 2 point answer in that category, nobody tried the 4, Lagkiller missed on the 6, Chriseli got the 8, and Cronos got the 10 pointer with what turned out to be his lone ring-in of the game. He certainly made it count, though, and started the In the Event category for 2. Lagkiller got that one, but then accidentally rang in on the 4 and could not provide the correct response, losing 4. Nobody tried the 6, but Chriseli got the 10 pointer, making the remaining answer on the board, the other Daily Double, hers. Leading 23-10-0, Chriseli wagered 2 points, and this was the answer:

If you do this in the right place you will see: You insert four 23-groat pieces into the appropriate slot, and clamber into the cab. The robot driver winks and points to the list of safety regulations on the inside of the door, saying, "Buckle up!" You do so, just in time - you are hurled backwards into the seat as the hovercab rises off the ground and inserts itself into the fast-moving traffic at a speed that only machine reflexes could control.

After a long pause, Chriseli responded, "what is pay?", but that was incorrect, costing her 2. That's what happens when you hail a cab (hail taxi isn't recognized).

At the end of Double Fedpardy, Chriseli led with 21, to 10 points for Cronos, and 0 for Lagkiller. Chriseli and Cronos advanced to Final Fedpardy, with the opportunity to wager as many of their points as they liked on the category of Fed History. Both placed their wagers, and when they both verified they were ready, I presented tonight's Final Fedpardy answer:

This character once roamed the solar system terrorizing lightly-armored ships. Now it's stuffed, mounted, and in a museum. You could even mount and ride him if you wanted to.

When the 60 seconds allotted were up, we took a look at the responses. Cronos didn't get in a response, but also wagered nothing, so he remained at 10 points. Chriseli responded, "what is mammoth...i have no idea". Mammoth was incorrect. Lagkiller, however, knew it was Pegasus, the same Pegasus stuffed, mounted, and on display in the museum on Venus. Chriseli's wager was one point, taking her down to 20, but that was still enough to make her this week's Fedpardy champion!

Congratulations to Chriseli as this week's winner, and Cronos as our runner-up. Thanks also to Lagkiller who also played, and Butters who watched. Join me again October 23, when we hold our next exciting edition of FEDPARDY! in Studio 1 on the Lattice. And October 16, we'll play the Fed Phrase Game, same starting time (10.00pm eastern), same location.

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