The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: September 9, 2007

Event Reports - page 2

WACKY WORDS - Sunday edition

Sunday September 2
by Catspaws

Well, it's been a wild ride the last week or so, since the Great Crash of the Summer of '07, and I for one was ready for some light relief. And you can't be much lighter than Wacky Words. Luckily, a few others agreed, and we had a good game with four players and three spectators. I considered several themes for this week... Things like "Foods Groundhogs Like to Eat" and "Places to Hide After Teasing Groundhog Hazed," but decided on a safer theme, "Snow," which Fancy finally picked up on after the fifth word. (I love stumping Fancy for as long as I can!)

With the first word, "MAN", Genike got off to a fast start with his truthful statement, "Maybe Ariadne's Nutty." Not to be outdone, Deklax scored big with the second word, "SHOE," a word that had us learning a lot of interesting things about Squeeky, such as Genike, "Squeeky hates old engineers." (I can fix Squeeky any time you like...)

With the word "Fall," Fancy became the main topic, and tooted his own horn with "Fancy, Antonia - lusty lovers," which falls into the TMI category. Then with the word "FLAKE," he regaled us with even more information we were better off not knowing, "Fancy likes all kinky escapades." I mean, seriously, he's a tomcat! What do you expect???

Genike scored big with the juicy tidbit, "Deklax really intimately fondled Trilleth." September, if you want all the juicy gossip, you really need to play Wacky Words... Genike and Deklax ran neck-and-neck right to the last, tying for the lead after the final word, "SHOVEL." Always prepared, I pulled out the tie-breaker word, "ANGEL," which Genike won unanimously with his, "Acting nervous, Gwaptiva eats Luboils."

Join me every other Sunday at 4.00pm eastern for the Wackiest game in Fed, Wacky Words.

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