The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: May 13, 2007

Fed Funnies - page 1


by Hazed

I wondered if anybody was awake enough to help me with the top ten this week, which led to thoughts of why going to sleep in Fed is not always a good idea...

1. Because someone will call Nightwatch who will arrest me as a vagrant and dump me in that disgusting dorm on Earth.
2. Because Hazed will paint a moustache on me while I sleep.
3. Because Diesel's waitdroids can aim very well with their soda syphons.
4. Because Arlene is awake and on the prowl.
5. Because one never knows what picture will surface and in what pose.
6. Because some people just can't resist the opportunity to drop an ice cube down my pants.
7. Because there's the risk I will wake up in a strange bar with an even stranger person - and no memory of how I got there.
8. Because I might miss a new planet's exchange opening.
9. Because someone will steal my chocolate!
10. Because I will miss out on the opportunity to contribute to the Top Ten list.

Thanks to Gwaptiva, Occy and Zodroz for their suggestions.

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