The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: January 21, 2007

Official News - page 8


by Hazed

In last week's Star I told you about spam scam emails that tell people they have been targetted by a hitman, who will call off the contract for payment. Now the FBI is warning of a new twist in the saga.

Now scammers are sending out emails pretending to be from the FBI, claiming that the would-be assassin has been arrested for the murder of several US and UK citizens. The recipients are told that material seized during the arrest suggests that they were the next in line to be targetted and asks that they contact the FBI in London to help with the investigation.

Needless to say, there is no investigation because the crimes were bogus in the first place! The scammers are trying to trick the recipients into handing over their personal information which could then be used for identity theft.

The FBI (that's the real one, not the bogus one) advises that anybody who receives an email like this that contains personal information, as opposed to random spam sent out to all and sundry, should contact the police.

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