The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: October 8, 2006

Event Reports - page 2


Sunday October 1
by Catspaws

With the imminent arrival of Engineers, it seemed only suitable that we devote a class to a discussion of events and objects and how they could fit into planetary themes. Along with new exchanges will come, in due time, the ability to add objects and events to planets. For all current and prospective Engineers, I strongly encourage exploring Sol thoroughly, paying attention to items and events available there. Not all Sol events will be available to players, but many will. For those who don't have planets as yet, it's never too early to explore and start studying themes, events and objects. Mars is an excellent place to start with the tree, the sportster, and that obnoxious piano.

I cautioned the class that the event tools won't be immediately available, as they are still being tested by staff. I also cautioned that they will not be as easy to implement as many seem to think. (My guess is no one will believe me on the latter until they have the tools in their hot little hands, but we shall see...)

I then polled the class to learn what will be the first events they want to do when they get the tools. Gwaptiva wants private rooms (what is he doing he doesn't want us to see?) and a Tracey-like character with more intelligence. (Will she be in the private rooms?) Zand wants an object that will trigger a secret opening to a private club, which would fit well with his smuggler theme. Myself, I want my toilet to flush. Like all cats, I am in awe of all the swirling water.

As Engineers are thinking of all the neat things they want to do when they get the tools, they need to remember their role-play guidelines, and try to create items and events that fit into the themes of their planets. Gwaptiva came up with an interesting question: "So, do you think of an object/event to augment your planet's story first, or do you think of a cool event and then work your planet around it?" Since the event tools are appearing with the second planet owner rank, it is to be hoped the planet ALREADY has a theme. I encourage everyone to visit Halloween, which has a couple of interesting objects and events that fit completely into the planetary theme.

Death locations came up, as well as the moral and ethical debate of killing other players. To my knowledge, they will be available, but I strongly advise that they fit the theme of the planet, and that there is ample warning that the locations exist. I would also advise into setting up double-death traps, but that's not an official warning, just a personal one. Catseye won't have any death locations, although entering the Toxic Dump will knock off a stamina point or two. And no, I know nothing about the rumors of toxic dumping.

(Editors note: yes, you will be allowed to have death locations on your planet, but double-death traps - that is, deliberately setting up locations so as to lure players into dying twice without re-insuring - will be against the rules. Anyone who does this will have their planet files reverted to one of the stock planets, and will lose the ability to amend them.)

Dunavant asked about access to timed events, like the touchpads on Sumatra or tannoy announcements. That is an event you get at the Mogul rank, drat it! I need it for my shuttle too. Ah, well. I then dismissed class and allowed the soon-to-be-Engineers to return to emptying their exchanges.

The Role-Play class is held every other week in Chez Diesel on Mars. We will continue to discuss events and objects in upcoming weeks to aid our new Engineers in mastering their toys.

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