The weekly newsletter for Fed2 by ibgames

EARTHDATE: September 24, 2006

Official News - page 2


by Hazed

Bella has been putting the finishing touches to the code that will let Founders promote to the next rank, Engineer. She has now put the code into the game, so that the test team can play around with it, jump up and down on it, and find the bugs, so following tomorrow's reset you should be seeing some Engineers in Fed2 DataSpace. Then, assuming the bugs they find are not too drastic, the promotion will be made available to players next weekend.

I should remind you about the promotion requirements: you will need to have 30 infrastructure builds on your planet - it doesn't matter what the builds are, any old 30 will do. You can then promote when you choose, unless you have done 35 or more builds, when the promotion will happen automatically at the next reset. However, the auto-promote code will be delayed to give those Founders who have already done more than 35 builds the choice as to when they promote.

When you promote to Engineer, your planet economy goes up an economic level to resource. Your exchange is re-rolled, so all the production and consumption figures will change. Stocks of commodities will also vanish, so we should see a return to the old tradition of the pre-promotion firesale.

On promotion, the extra production points which you gained from infrastructure builds will vanish. The build itself does not get demolished, so it still counts towards your total number of builds, and any other effects remain, but if it added an extra production point to a commodity, you lose that effect.

Builds that modify efficiency will continue to do so - they are not changed by promotion.

Engineers are also be subject to disaffection - if you don't do enough to keep your population happy they may go on strike, or riot and destroy property. Fortunately, Bella in her infinite wisdom has decided to give you a grace period to make sure you keep your citizens under control, so the disaffection code won't be turned on for another week after the promotion code is released. Next week's Star will contain a detailed explanation of how disaffection will work, what its effects will be, and how you can counter it.

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