Fed II Star newsletter - masthead The weekly newsletter for the Fed II game by ibgames

EARTHDATE: May 7, 2006

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The second of the planetary infrastructure builds is now in and you can start to construct planetary defense bases to protect against attack from pirates and other rogue ships. This is a ground-based facility that has powerful weapons, mainly missile based and including short-range interceptors. Each base you build will give you one extra production point in any defense industry commodity, up to a maximum of five points.

The command is 'BUILD BASE commodity' where 'commodity' is one of the defence commodities: Xmetals, Monopoles, Explosives, Munitions, Antimatter, Lasers, Weapons, BioComponents, Firewalls or Sensamps.

As with heliographs, you can cheerfully build more than five of these infrastructure facilities, but any above the fifth one will have no effect at all, so you will be just throwing your money away!

Full details of the planetary defense base build can be found in the infrastructure section of the manual.

By the way, the next build implemented is likely to be clinics, followed by hospitals. Both of these are part of the Health category of builds.

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