Fed II Star newsletter - masthead The weekly newsletter for the Fed II game by ibgames

EARTHDATE: February 19, 2006

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by Freya

Planet Design - Techniques

In previous articles and class sessions we've discussed the Theory of Planet Design, today we'll consider technique. Once you establish what your planet theme is, you need to start to bring it to life. This is a similar process to painting or writing a story or decorating a room, They are all creative processes that start with a general setting and then apply layers of detail. With a planet, you will need to follow this technique in several stages.

First stage is your basic planet story. Every planet needs a story which is based on the basic planet theme. You should list a few basic facts of your planet theme which you will then develop into storylines.

Example - Your planet is a former mining station which unionized and revolted against the colonial company. Two hundred years later, the union is now the planetary authority and private enterprise opposes the oppressive union rules.

Second stage is to sketch in the major characters, objects, conditions which affect the planet.

Example - Miners discovered caches of artefacts on the planet which fetch incredibly high prices from collectors. Shop Steward Jones leads a group of dissatisfied workers who secretly produce fake artefacts. Union Chairman Reese's wife has pretensions to aristocracy and wants him to declare himself planet regent so she can be Lady Reese.

Third stage is to add all the nifty little details. This stage keeps developing during your entire design and building process

Example - here is where you start to really have fun. You describe your characters, give them talents and foibles, add little anecdotes about them. Add interesting objects and popular foods.

Because Monday is a US Federal holiday we'll hold an extended Planet Design workshop then from 1.00-3.00pm eastern. Bring your planet themes and we'll work on developing your storylines and characters and planet details!

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