Airports - an easy way to move your workers around.


Theoretically, using anti-grav, airplanes can land and take off anywhere. However, not only is such behavior frowned upon by planetary authorities, who like to keep an eye on the movement of their population, it is also inconvenient to land at places where there are no maintenance and refueling facilities.

In the event, most big combines have their own private airfields, but all other flights go to airports, which have the necessary facilities. The cheapness of anti-grav enabled flight has had profound implications for the movement of population to areas of work availability.

Airports can also be upgraded so you can move workthings between planets in your star system - see below.

Each airport built increases the size of the population available for work by 1%, up to a maximum of 10%.

Airports can be built at leisure level.

'BUILD AIRPORT'. You can remove the build with 'DEMOLISH AIRPORT'.

Once you have built ten airports you can upgrade them with the command 'UPGRADE AIRPORT' which costs 5 slithy toves. Once you have upgraded the airports you can move workthings around between the planets in your star system with 'ASSIGN xx WORKERS FROM planetname TO planetname' - for example, ASSIGN 100 WORKERS FROM RIGEL 4 TO RIGEL 5. You have to be on the planet that has the upgraded airports, and then you can move the workthings from and to any of your planets. You can only move workthings that are currently unemployed.

Note that moving population from one planet to another affects the base population. This changes the equations used by various builds to calculate the actual population, so the resulting population may not be what you expect!

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